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Got oil

A few weeks ago in a Sunday worship service, the minister asked for those who had anointing oil to share with those around them so they could anoint themselves. It was interesting to see that only a few people had anointing oil in their possession.They had enough to give.  It made me think of the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.


They were waiting for and anticipating the arrival of the Bridegroom, but He was gone for a very long time. They became tired and fell asleep. But at midnight a shout was heard. The Bridegroom was coming!!!


The foolish virgins were thoughtless, silly, and careless. They had no oil and they were not prepared to meet the Bridegroom. The wise virgins were far-sighted, practical, and sensible. They had their oil and even had more than enough!


We cannot doubt that these are the last days, but are we prepared for and anticipating the Bridegroom’s arrival? How is your supply of oil? 


Oil represents the presence and power of the Spirit of God throughout the Bible. Born-again believers have Holy Spirit indwelling in them. Yes, we do have Him in us, but do we have the anointing oil? Do we have the kind of relationship with Holy Spirit that gives us continuous access to the anointing? Are we being filled and filled and filled again with fresh oil?

Some of the saddest words in the entire Bible are, “I do not know you [we have no relationship].” Or as some translations say, “I never knew you!”

Later the others also came, and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open [the door] for us.’ But He replied, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, I do not know you [we have no relationship].’ Matthew 15:11-12 AMP

Today is a good day to give yourself fully to the One Who will prepare you for the Bridegroom’s coming. He is the Spirit of God and if you are born-again, He is already in you waiting for the opportunity to prepare you to be the Bride of Christ. 


How do we develop a deeper relationship with Holy Spirit? Here is a quote from a series called “The Spirit-filled Life” on

“We need to remember that the Holy Spirit is a Person, not a force. To be filled with the Spirit is not a mechanical formula that you go through, where you “pull the Holy Spirit lever” and all the goodies come pouring out. Rather, it is a relationship with the Triune God through His indwelling Spirit.This relationship is ever-deepening, which means that there is a difference between a newer Spirit-filled believer and a more mature Spirit-filled believer.”

As we move our flesh out of the way, we give room for Holy Spirit to fill us to overflowing. We won’t run out of oil. We will be alert and awake. We will be ever ready minister to others and to meet the Bridegroom. He is coming soon!!!


 He who is the Faithful Witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!”


Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people.

Revelation 22:20-21 NLT


3 thoughts on “Got Oil?”

  1. Frances Daniels-Day

    How very appropriate for this season as many of us are “preparing” for the Super Bowl Celebration… whether we win or lose! But we know that Christ is coming back! How much preparation have we put into being ready for Him! Do we have oil for ourselves, not to mention for others?…. I always carry my oil to anoint and pray for others… I’m Ready and Prepared for His Return!!!

    1. Thank you for this word about the anointing oil. I carry some with me always so that I am ready for any circumstance that I encounter. God always has a plan and will put us in each others path to uplift or bless each other. He is awesome, Halleujah!
      Love in Christ.

      1. Thank you, for this blessing of the word and information on the “anointing oil.” I do carry my oil with me in my carrying purse., daily, to be ready for my assignments from the Lord.
        Sometimes I anoint myself before prayer…

        Today is exciting for many “Fans” I defiantly want the Bengal’s , to WIN. However, I’m not a Professional Sports follower.
        My interest is High School, and College Sports.

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