Jo Cornelison

About Me 

  • I am a licensed Fivefold Teacher and a lover of the Truth. 
  • I am passionate about the Kingdom of God and my King!!!
  • I would rather read a book than watch a movie.
  • I don’t own a TV.
  • I am an early riser always starting my day with my quiet time with God.
  • I journal every day.
  • I have two children on earth and two in Heaven and two grandchildren.
  • I love creating images that inspire others.
  • I think and work best in the quiet.
  • I am passionate about learning how to do new things that will help me encourage people and be a better teacher.
  • I am an introvert, except when I’m teaching!!!
  • I’m a Hope Dealer, not a dope dealer!

My Story

I help Christian women to get their crowns on straight by equipping, empowering, and encouraging them to develop a Kingdom mindset that liberates them from the strongholds of the world and makes available to them the grace to be who God created them to be and to do what He has called them to do.

My goal is to establish FMC as the digital destination for the woman of God who is looking for MORE out of life, the abundant life God promised to us and is not afraid to go for it.

I became a teacher at the age of 68, and though I regret the fact that I missed so many years when I could have been flowing in my gifting, I know that God’s timing is perfect. I know that God created me to be a teacher. I flow in that anointing. It’s who I am! Yes, it took me a long time to get to this point, but now I am fulfilling my purpose. 

It’s a beautiful thing to know who you are and to do what you were created to do!!!

That’s what I want for all of the women who come to “Fixin” My Crown!” My assignment is to reach out to other women who may or may not even know that they are searching for the MORE that God has for them. There is no greater level of fulfillment than to know that you know that you know your calling and purpose in life and that you are walking in it!  

I teach fundamental Truths that equip, empower, and encourage Christian women to be God chasers, intentionally and diligently pursuing Him for “MORE!”

So don’t waste another day! Join with me and this community of women Fixin’ Our Crowns and learning how to fulfill our Kingdom purposes! Your destiny awaits! And the whole world is waiting for YOU to manifest your Kingdom identity!!!

I love being creative and using the gifts God gave me. Here’s a link to my Facebook page where I create inspirational word pictures: