Come Empty

I keep reminding myself that I am nothing but a vessel for the Lord’s use. But my soul sometimes has other more grandiose ideas! I find myself in danger of falling into the ugly trap of pride that Lucifer fell in when he thought of himself more highly than he ought. (Isaiah 14:13-14)


When pride comes [boiling up with an arrogant attitude of self-importance], then come dishonor and shame, But with the humble [the teachable who have been chiseled by trial and who have learned to walk humbly with God] there is wisdom and soundness of mind.

Proverbs 11:2 AMP

God’s Word reminds me:

For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. Romans 12:3


Pride is such an ugly sin for God’s vessels. It can fill our cups with some of those things related to over-inflated egos. Things like my accomplishments,  my title, my importance, my ministry, my gifts and talents. Oh, it may not be so blatantly obvious to those around us. And it is probably not obvious to us either, but we still need to examine ourselves to see how affected we are by SELF. 


“To be specific, the self-sins are these: self-righteousness, self-pity, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-admiration, self-love and a host of others like them”

― A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God


“These self-sins are not something we do, they are something we are—and therein lies both their subtlety and their power. They dwell too deep within us and are too much a part of our natures, to come to our attention—until the light of God is focused upon them.” 

Grace Gems


But thank God for His Spirit that keeps me mindful of the Truth. My mission in life is to serve as God’s representative in the earth. It’s not about me! When I remain submitted to Him and I understand that I am not my own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and that the Love of God rescued me from Satan’s slave block, I am so very grateful. Total submission is the least I can offer to God.


How can I say thanks

For all the things You’ve done for me?

Things so undeserved

Yet You gave to prove Your love to me

The voices of a million angels

Could not express my gratitude

All that I am

And ever hope to be

I owe it all to Thee

To God… Be the glory!


Just let me live my life

And let it pleasing, Lord to Thee

And should I gain any praise

Let it go to Calvary

Excerpts from My Tribute by Andrae Crouch


This must be my attitude! And so I strive empty myself of pride. I must embrace humility.


Let our Lord and King, Jesus be our example:

Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]. 

Philippians 2:5 AMPC


Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: [6] Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, [7] but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. [8] And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross. Philippians 2:5-8 BSB


Jesus emptied Himself! 

And so going back to Matthew 5:6, 

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Another vital truth that I have discovered is that my cup must be empty for me to even have the desire to be filled!


I have decided to not only change my attitude and to practice humility, I am also going to change my dietary preferences. I refuse to allow myself to be filled with the “junk food” that destroys my appetite for the things of the Spirit. I empty myself so God can fill me. 

To hunger for righteousness is to apply the righteous standard of God to my life. I want to be hungry for that which pleases God. I want to train my appetite in this way so that I will be filled up to overflowing with all that He is. 


Fill my cup, Lord, with Your life-changing, life-giving Word!!!

5 thoughts on “Come Empty”

  1. Blessed Morning Sister Jo,
    This is very nice and we should always take a look at ourselves to make sure that we are walking according to the Word of God and not thinking more highly of ourselves because when we do we talk the glory from God and it is not ours, but His. I had to tell my supervisor at work not to think more highly of herself. I choose to empty myself so that God can fill me. I want to be hungry for that which pleases God. I want to train my appetite in this way so that I will be filled up to overflowing with all that He is. Fill my cup, Lord, with Your life-changing, life-giving Word!!! Thank God for His Spirit that keeps me mindful of the Truth. That song is a part of my arnesol. God bless you for sharing.

    Love in Christ
    Sister Patricia

  2. HALLELUJAH! Fill my cup Lord, Fill my cup Lord, Fill my cup Lord; Let it Overflow with Your Word! Thanks Jo, refreshing and Inspiring word. TGBTG!

  3. Sheila Fairbanks

    This was so impactful fill my cup Lord to overflow – I am paraphrase Andre Crouch – I wan5 to live my life and l want it to be pleasing to my Lord.

  4. Awesome to be part of God’s plan to know He had us in mind before the foundation of the world. Being empty puts us in a place to be vulnerable to Him helps us to remove fear and to start a relationship between Him and us

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